At TradeGecko, many of our users rely on reporting to monitor health of business and aid in decision-making. While this feature has existed in the app for awhile, many of our users found it difficult to use and didn't know how to generate reports.
In addition to that, the Intelligence Dashboard was confusing. It was not immediately clear how the business was doing from first glance.
These issues stopped customers from using reporting and the Intelligence section of TradeGecko sat untouched for awhile.
As part of the new Intelligence team, we were tasked with revamping the Intelligence dashboard and reporting so that it is useful for everyone, and in turn increase adoption of Intelligence.
For the dashboard, I attempted to immediately answer the two most asked question: "How is my business doing?" and "What contributed to sales?". I went with a simple design of a graph with a customizeable leaderboard on the right side. The graph serves as a visual so that they can quickly see the trend of their business performance (total order value, profit and products sold) over a specified period of time. The leaderboard offers a quick way to navigate through what has contributed to sales the most - in just a few clicks, they can navigate from the top variant, customer, locations, as measured by order value or order quantity.
Additionally, once a report has been customized with the filter and properties they wanted selected, customers can save these reports and pin them to the dashboard for easier access in the future.
On the report generation side, I tried to make it more friendly by using natural language - "Show me X grouped by Y For the period of Z". They can then run the report and the resulting data is shown in the table below, which they can further filter down.
As we are dealing with many types of data, I've also designed different types of dropdown depending on the context of the reporting.